Protect New Jersey’s Wetlands and Ensure the Future of Agriculture with ACEP-WRE

Oct 16, 2023

Application deadline: November 13, 2023

Hamilton Square, N.J., October 13,  2023 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) is now accepting additional applications for the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program Wetland Reserve Easements (ACEP-WRE) program through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Applications that meet eligibility and ranking criteria in IRA ACEP-WRE targeted areas received by November 13, 2023 will be considered for 2023 funding.

The application deadline for general ACEP-WRE has also been extended to November 13, 2023 to match IRA ACEP-WRE.

IRA ACEP-WRE helps landowners, land trusts, and other entities protect, restore, and enhance wetlands, grasslands, and working farms and ranches through the funding of conservation easements on priority land areas. IRA priority land areas include regions identified with soils high in organic carbon that will most reduce, capture, avoid, or sequester carbon dioxide, methane or nitrous oxide emissions. Wetland Reserve Easements allow landowners to successfully enhance and protect habitat for wildlife on their lands, reduce impacts from flooding, recharge groundwater, and provide outdoor recreational and educational opportunities. NRCS provides technical and financial assistance directly to private and tribal landowners to restore, protect and enhance wetlands through the purchase of these easements, and eligible landowners can choose to enroll in a permanent or 30-year easement.

Applications for ACEP-WRE are available through your local USDA Service Center and online at

NRCS accepts applications for conservation programs year-round and they’re processed when funding becomes available. Interested producers can learn more about New Jersey Farm Bill programs on the NRCS NJ website.

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